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Multimedia Design Lab

Are you seeking to enhance the engagement and effectiveness of your courses? Pickens Multimedia Studio is excited to introduce the Multimedia Design Lab, a unique program designed to empower faculty in integrating multimedia elements into their teaching.

What We Offer

This program offers a two-semester journey specifically tailored to support faculty interested in incorporating multimedia components within their courses. Through collaborative exploration and personalized guidance, you'll gain the tools and expertise to transform your lectures and enhance the student learning experience.

Ready to get started? 

Let our seasoned experts guide you in creating captivating multimedia elements that enhance engagement and learning outcomes.

Multimedia Design Lab Sign-Up

Program Highlights

  • Dedicated Mentorship: Our team of multimedia specialists will partner with you individually to understand your course objectives and develop a customized plan for successful multimedia integration.
  • Comprehensive Support: We'll guide you through the entire process, from initial planning and development to seamless implementation of multimedia elements such as video, podcasts, and interactive tools.
  • Instructional Design Expertise: Our instructional design specialists will provide valuable insights and best practices in crafting effective and student-centered learning experiences.

Program Structure

  • Summer 2024: This initial phase focuses on collaborative brainstorming and development. Together, we'll explore the possibilities for multimedia integration and craft a plan to bring your vision to life.
  • Fall 2024: Witness the transformation! You'll implement your multimedia-enhanced course with ongoing support from our team, ensuring a smooth integration into your course.

Faculty Commitment

We know that time is your most valuable resource. That's why we'll set up a consultation and filming schedule that works for you and your calendar. 

Successful participation requires faculty commitment, including:

  • Attendance at designated meetings throughout the summer and fall semesters for collaborative planning and progress updates.
  • Allocation of time for recording multimedia content, facilitating smooth integration into the course.

Why Choose Pickens Multimedia Studio?

  • Proven Success: The program boasts a track record of successfully transforming courses across the university.
  • Cutting-Edge Tools: Participants gain access to and training on the latest multimedia tools and techniques, enhancing their teaching capabilities.
  • Ongoing Support: The studio's support extends beyond initial implementation, ensuring continued guidance as courses evolve.


Frequently Asked Questions

The Design Lab initiative is designed for faculty members who are

  • Interested in incorporating multimedia elements (video, podcasts, interactive tools) into their courses to enhance student engagement and learning.
  • Open to guidance on research-based best practices for teaching online. 

The program is a two-semester journey. During the summer (2024), there will be collaborative workshops and meetings to plan and develop your multimedia components, including recording sessions if applicable. In the fall (2024), you'll implement the transformed course, with ongoing support from our team.

The Design Lab offers a variety of popular multimedia tools and strategies, including:

  • Traditional video
  • Podcasting
  • Interactive media
  • 360° media
  • Extended Reality
  • Collaborative apps

We'll tailor the specific tools used to your course content and needs. 

No prior experience is necessary! Our team of specialists will provide training and guidance on using any multimedia tools.

You will be paired with a dedicated instructional designer throughout the process. Our team will work with you to develop your vision, offer guidance on design and implementation, and provide ongoing support as you integrate multimedia elements into your course. 

Your responsibilities:

  • Define course content and teaching objectives
  • Collaborate in the creation of multimedia content, including recording and approval
  • Attend planning and development meetings as needed

Our responsibilities:

  • Develop custom course materials
  • Produce, refine, and release multimedia content
  • Provide advice on effective course structuring and arrangement
  • Maintain regular communication throughout the semester, offering support with implementation and resolving any issues.