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CMS Guide

staff member working in terminal four

This site serves as a resource for our build of the TerminalFour Content Management System. It contains a collection of our currently available content types, examples of pages, as well as valuable tips and tricks.

CMS Training

The CMS Training was recently converted into an online-only module. Please review the Certified Web Manager Guide in Confluence for instructions about how to access and complete the new training. Please note that the materials from this training are available at any time by visiting the TERMINALFOUR Version 8 User Guide. The content types and example pages detailed here in the CMS Guide are also still applicable.

We are here to assist you in any way we can. If you have any questions, please reach out to us by emailing

Program Page Editing

Please note that all "program pages" under are updated and maintained by University Marketing and Communications to keep a consistent tone, look, and feel across all pages. For updates and edit requests, please email