Advanced Camp
The Cadet Summer Training Advanced Camp is now held annually at Fort Knox, KY. The U.S. Army's largest training exercise, Advanced Camp is the U.S. Army Cadet Command's capstone training event.
The purpose of the course is to train U.S. Army ROTC Cadets to Army standards, to develop their leadership skills, and to evaluate their officer potential. Most Army Cadets attend Advanced Camp between their junior and senior undergraduate years after having contracted to join the Army. Successful completion of Advanced Camp is a prerequisite to becoming an Army officer through ROTC.
The 29-day course starts with individual training and leads to collective training, building from simple to complex tasks. This building-block approach permits integration of previously-learned skills into follow-on training. This logical, common-sense training sequence is maintained for each training cycle, Every day at Advanced Camp is a day of training.
Below are some highlights:
Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)
Land Navigation
Confidence Training
Field Leader's Reaction Course
Chemical, Biological Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) Training
U.S. Weapons Familiarization
Cultural Awareness
First Aid
Maneuver Training