Accessible Technology

Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility at the University of West Florida
The University of West Florida is committed to providing equal access to its programs, services, and activities for all users. An accessible EIT environment enhances usability for everyone. This page serves as the UWF's hub for information about accessible EIT. Accessible information and technology includes electronic documents, websites, videos, software applications, and hardware devices that can be used effectively by everyone, including students, faculty, staff and visitors with disabilities. The UWF community is collectively responsible for assuring the technologies we choose, use, and create are fully accessible.
The site includes guidelines and resources for EIT accessibility in compliance with UWF Policy P-18/01-10/19 and applicable local, state and federal regulations and laws.
These guidelines apply to all EIT acquired, developed, distributed, used, purchased, or implemented by or for the University and used to provide University programs, services, or activities. This includes, but is not limited to all EIT related to University business, academic and outreach, including web pages that represent the University, electronic documents and any multimedia created or obtained.
For additional information regarding digital accessibility and compliance with UWF Policy P-18.01-10/19, contact:
Matt Packard, CCEP
- Chief Compliance Officer, Office of Compliance and Ethics
- 850.857.6070