Kymberly Palmer
Charge Nurse, Sacred Heart Pediatric Subspecialty Clinic
Attending UWF was the best decision I’ve ever made. The University’s connections to the Pensacola community helped me reach my goals by opening doors for internships and preceptorships and ultimately for employment.
What has your career path been as a nurse?
I’ve been a nurse for seven years, and I worked in pediatric oncology for five of those years. I’m now a charge nurse helping to build the new Sacred Heart Pediatric Subspecialty Clinic, which is a UF Health affiliate. This includes everything from picking out tiles for our pediatric care centers to determining the services offered for children with chronic illnesses. We have pediatric nephrology, urology, gastroenterology, hematology, oncology and orthopedics.
What is your favorite thing about your job?
It’s fun to be a part of something so new. Building the pediatric subspecialty clinic from the ground up is a huge task, and it’s given me a new-found passion for what I do. The challenges are exciting.
How do you stay connected with UWF?
I served as scholarship advisor for my sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, until the last couple of years. It was such a rewarding experience to help mold this next generation of leaders. My family and I also love attending alumni tailgates at UWF football games.