Environmental Health and Safety

UWF Environmental Health and Safety promotes a culture of safety, health and environmental protection in collaboration with the University community to support education and research.
Forms, Requests and Reports
To request Travel, Event or Camp Insurance, report a Student Accident Injury, request a Hazardous Material Pick-up or Insurance Waiver please submit a JIRA ticket.
- Travel, Event, Camp Insurance Request
- Hazardous Material Pick-Up
- Student Accident/Injury Form
- Risk Management Insurance Waiver
Department of Environmental Health and Safety Information
We are dedicated to reducing injuries, accidents and environmental impact, and ensuring compliance through high quality training, comprehensive workplace evaluation, hazardous materials management, managing regulatory information, and by minimizing future potential liabilities.
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety role is to advance UWF's mission, vision, and priorities by promoting a safe and healthy environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. This goal is accomplished through programs designed to promote health and safety awareness, fire/life safety compliance, risk management services, and environmental stewardship.
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety will continually improve services within a work environment of shared best practices, through application of environmental, safety, health, building fire safety and, so as to support the primary mission of the University.
- ES-02.02-06/14 Environmental Health and Safety Policy
- ES-o3.04-10/14 Use of Fireworks on University Property
- ES-05.02-03/15 University Risk Management and Insurance Policy
- ES-07.02-06/15 Risk Management for University Automobiles
- Motorized Cart Safety Policy ES-08
- ES-09.02-04/17 Wildlife and Domesticated Animal Control
- FIN-10.01-07/17 Food Safety for Campus Events