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[2] General Content

The General Content type is your bread and butter. It is the most straight-forward and versatile way to get your content onto your site.

Important Information

This content type can accommodate a wide variety of content. This will usually be the only other item you will need for a basic page.

Related Content Types:

At a Glance

  • Requires Placeholder: No
  • Placement: Almost anywhere
  • Special Setup: None
  • Image Sizes:
    • Dimensions:
      • Landscape: 315 x 176px
      • Portrait: 211 x 278px

[2] General: Content contains the following elements:

  • Name - Used in Sitemanager only. This does NOT show up on your webpage.
  • Title - This will be your content heading (<h2>). Larger, bold text with extra spacing.
  • Main Body - The main area for your content.
  • Block Image - Use this to select an image from the Media Library.
  • Image Caption - Describe your image here, this is very helpful for accessible images.
  • Image Float - Moves your image to the left or right of your content.

General Content: Example

Optional Image Caption

Optional Title

[2] General Content supports one image per content type, featured either in the top left or top right, with text wrapping around the image. This example you see here is actually two separate instances of [2] General Content, one showing a landscape oriented image on the right with a caption, and one showing a portrait oriented image on the left with no caption.

Tables, links (external, section, and document), bulleted lists, and horizontal rules can all be inserted into any [2] General Content

Remember that you can break up your content into multiple instances of [2] General Content. This can allow you to display multiple images, mirror out or duplicate specific paragraphs (or lists, tables, etc), or easily navigate your content within Site Manager. 

Please note that you cannot embed images directly into the Tiny MCE editor (where you write this text content) as they will not be responsive, and we strive to provide the same experience for all our users across all devices and browsers.