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Column Boxes

Column boxes allow you to feature minimal text and imagery in a grid format.

Important Information

Column Boxes: Complete combines multiple legacy content types into one. As the old content types are still very active and highly used, here is a brief run down of each:

  • 2 or 3 [Advanced]: The "advanced" version includes a full text editor and an option for full (column) width images. Depending on what choices are made, the content type generates 2 or 3 columns of content. 
  • 2 or 3 [Simple]: The "simple" version uses plain text and has a button link to an internal section in the CMS. Depending on what choices are made, the content type generates 2 or 3 columns of content
  • 2 [Left Image]: This will always be three columns of content: An image on the far left side, followed by two blocks of text.
  • 4: A four column version of the "simple" column boxes. This content type is better f

At a Glance

  • Requires Placeholder: No
  • Placement: Almost anywhere
  • Special Setup: None
  • Image Sizes:
    • Landscape preferred
    • Max width: 600px
    • Height: Variable

Recent Changes

The majority of the Column Boxes content types have been consolidated into a single content type: Column Boxes: Complete. This version is considerably more flexible than all of the previous editions combined and should be used whenever content needs to be highlighted in a grid-like format. Depending on how you choose to fill the content type out, the outcome can change. For example, if you previously used the "2 [Left Image]" version, you can accomplish the same look and feel using "Complete" by filling out the 1st image, and putting text in columns 2 and 3. Another unique feature that many content types (including this one) will begin to have are unique error messages. If a content type is used against how it's designed, an error message should now display on the page to explain what could have gone wrong and how to get help.

The previous versions of the Column Boxes collection are still available throughout the CMS and there are no plans of doing a massive migration. Instead, existing content will be manually migrated into it on a site-by-site basis. The old versions will be removed from the available content type list and replaced with Column Boxes: Complete. This will have no effect on your existing content using the deprecated (previous or old, outdated) versions. They will not 'turn off' and will still be available for updating and modifying content. There is no time-frame or expiration planned at this time.

Because of the deprecation, this guide will only focus on demonstrating the new content type.

One content type that has not been implemented into the "complete" version is Column Boxes: 2 [Side Images]. This will always be two columns of content and can feature inline images (instead of full width). It is ideal for highlighting news articles or profiles for notable individuals. We are constantly working on consolidating content types and removing redundancies as much as possible. This content type is extremely similar to the Specialty: Spotlights [2 Column] as well as Promo Box: 2 Column. As we discover issues like this, we try our best to resolve them as quickly as our schedule allows. It may be that these three are ultimately phased out of the CMS and replaced by a better option.

Column Boxes: Complete contains the following elements:

This content type contains four duplicates of each element, except 'Name', corresponding to the appropriate column (first, second, third, or fourth).

  • Name - Used in Sitemanager only. This does NOT show up on your webpage.
  • First Image - Use this to select an image from the Media Library.
  • First Headline - This will be your content heading (<h2>). Larger, bold text with extra spacing.
  • First Text Block - The main area for your column content.
  • First Button Section Link - Use this to send users to another webpage when they click or tap the button.
  • First Button Document Link - Use this to send users to a Media Library file when they click or tap the button. 
  • First Button Document Link Text - Text used to for a stylized button link.

Column Boxes: Complete: Example of Two Columns

Two Columns, First Headline

This is an example of when two columns are filled out.

Wafer jelly beans pastry chupa chups brownie pie sugar plum. Gummi bears cotton candy dessert tootsie roll carrot cake halvah. Marshmallow liquorice croissant. Dragée cupcake gummies cake chocolate cake. Gingerbread chupa chups powder soufflé jelly beans powder croissant cupcake cake. Pie soufflé cake biscuit danish lemon drops halvah.

Custom Section Link Text

Two Columns, Second Headline

The button for this column box does not use Custom Link Text in the content type.

Column Boxes

Column Boxes: Complete: Example of Three Columns


Example text

Three Columns, Second Headline

Tiramisu tootsie roll halvah topping. Sweet roll jelly beans fruitcake cheesecake donut ice cream. Jelly beans powder gummi bears apple pie wafer. Caramels sweet bear claw gummies dragée gummi bears candy. 

The headlines are no longer required. Try and keep things consistent! 

Tiramisu tootsie roll halvah topping. Sweet roll jelly beans fruitcake cheesecake donut ice cream. Jelly beans powder gummi bears apple pie wafer. Caramels sweet bear claw gummies dragée gummi bears candy. 

Column Boxes: Complete: Example of Four Columns

Four Columns, First Headline

4 Column Boxes used to be restricted to full-page layouts. If you fill in all 4 columns in this new version it will automatically adapt to the layout you're on!

  • If you have left side navigation (like on this page) you get 2 rows of 2 columns*
  • On a full-page layout, all four will display horizontally on the same row*

*Mobile displays are still the same across each variation.....

Four Columns, Second Headline

Candy canes carrot cake gingerbread sugar plum jelly-o sugar plum toffee marzipan. Tiramisu chupa chups croissant halvah chocolate cake. Bear claw cake pudding oat cake sweet dragée. Tart powder carrot cake. Danish jelly jelly-o. Chocolate bear claw sugar plum danish apple pie bear claw sweet carrot cake. Cake carrot cake powder apple pie fruitcake donut jelly candy canes. Chupa chups danish topping bonbon.

Four Columns, Third Headline

Candy canes carrot cake gingerbread sugar plum jelly-o sugar plum toffee marzipan. Tiramisu chupa chups croissant halvah chocolate cake. Bear claw cake pudding oat cake sweet dragée. Tart powder carrot cake. Danish jelly jelly-o. Chocolate bear claw sugar plum danish apple pie bear claw sweet carrot cake. Cake carrot cake powder apple pie fruitcake donut jelly candy canes. Chupa chups danish topping bonbon.

Four Columns, Fourth Headline

Candy canes carrot cake gingerbread sugar plum jelly-o sugar plum toffee marzipan. Tiramisu chupa chups croissant halvah chocolate cake. Bear claw cake pudding oat cake sweet dragée. Tart powder carrot cake. Danish jelly jelly-o. Chocolate bear claw sugar plum danish apple pie bear claw sweet carrot cake. Cake carrot cake powder apple pie fruitcake donut jelly candy canes. Chupa chups danish topping bonbon.

Above are just some of the ways you can use this content type. There are still many other combinations and variations that aren't being demonstrated here.

As previously mentioned, the CMS will now produce an error message if you're trying to use a content type against the way it has been designed. In this case, it triggers if you only use one column. Rather than require specific elements of the content type (removing some of the flexibility), the content type will completely allow you to update and approve it with only one column of information filled out. However, if you do this, the page will display the error shown below, as there are many other content types that are far better suited for displaying a "single column" of text.

It seems you're only using one column. Are you having some trouble? Contact Web Support with any questions!