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Technology Support Providers

There are many university-wide information technology-related groups that provide specialized support. For more information, please expand the sections listed below.

Roles and Responsibilities
The ITS Help Desk is the central technology support provider for UWF students, faculty, and staff. Please see our hours of operation and support standards. Based on your department, you may also have a designated Local Support Provider (LSP).

Directory of Local Support Providers

Roles and Responsibilities
Local Support Providers (LSPs) are support staff designated to specific departments. If your department has an LSP, he/she will provide support for your physical computer and installed software, while the ITS Help Desk will provide support for UWF applications.

Directory of Department Information Security Representatives (DISReps)

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Update the departmental staff membership list as employees are hired into or leave the department.
  • Notify ITS (by submitting an ITS Request) of changes to department names, the department's location within the organization hierarchy, or other informational changes for the department on the Campus Directory.
  • Notify ITS (by submitting an ITS Request) of department head changes.
  • Manage group memberships that are administered by the department.
  • Request changes to the department's MyUWF content and request MyUWF app features.
  • Request new departmental ArgoNet accounts.
  • Regularly review ArgoNet accounts owned by the department(s) to ensure the resources are still needed, and the Responsible Parties (RPs) and Content Providers (CPs) are accurate.
  • Request addition/removal of RPs from departmental accounts. (Also can be done by an existing RP.)
  • Request and/or approve addition/removal of individuals from access security groups.
  • Request addition/removal of other DISReps within the department.
  • Ensure the members of their department receive adequate data protection training (for example: FERPA).
  • Ensure that appropriate Security Managers are appointed for systems under the purview of the department he/she represents. 
  • Coordinate the annual response to the PCI DSS questionnaire.