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Maps & Directions

Interactive and downloadable maps for the UWF Pensacola campus and other UWF locations.

If you plan to park on the UWF Pensacola campus or UWF Emerald Coast, please visit the UWF Parking and Transportation Services website for more information. Please visit the Historic Pensacola website for more information on directions and parking in Historic Pensacola.

UWF Campus Map

The online UWF campus map allows you to explore the Pensacola Campus as well as UWF Emerald Coast in Fort Walton Beach, UWF Historic Trust in Historic Pensacola, and UWF's downtown Pensacola facilities.

The map features a wayfinding tool for navigating between UWF locations to provide users with efficient routes to navigate UWF including accessible routes.

If you have any corrections or suggested additions for the UWF Campus Map, please fill out the feedback form found in the top right corner of the map under the Help & Feedback drop down menu.

Virtual Tours

Virtually explore the UWF Pensacola campus and Historic Pensacola.